Developer: Android-x86 Project Developers
Android-x86 is an free and open source Android operating system based on AOSP (Android Open Source Project), which aims to enable Android to run on x86 CPU architecture devices, such as PCs and netbooks powered by Intel or AMD processors.
The project, formerly known as "Patch Hosting for Android x86 Support", was started in 2009 by Chih-Wei Huang and Yi Su to host different patches for Android x86 support from the open source community. After a few months they came to know that we could do a lot more than just hosting patches. So they decide to build our code base to provide support on various x86 platforms. Except for the AOSP codebase, the team developed a lot of components from scratch and derived from other open source projects to build the entire Android-X86 codebase, such as kernel, installer, Drm_gralloc and gbm_gralloc, Mesa, SwiftShader, audio, camera, GPS, Lights, sensors etc.
Donate to this awesome open source project to help PCs experience the latest Android version.
() contain year of release.
Note - LineageOS / CyanogenMod based releases not included in the above list.